14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

138 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

deeds” (Hebrews 10:24), in addition to lips and lives that say “thank you”
to God and to others, who being made in the likeness of God, bear his
divine image.


Teaching Plan—Varied Learning Activities

Connect with Life

  1. Ask a previously enlisted member to share one photo of himself or
    herself with this requirement: The photo should represent a happy
    time, such as a family memory or a first car or a favorite outfit worn
    long ago. The photograph may even elicit nostalgia or laughter.
    Say, A treasured photograph may help us to remember with grat-
    itude some of the good things of the past. The Bible is filled with
    examples of exhortations to remember God’s goodness and praise
    him. Thankfulness is due the Father and is also good for us.

Guide Bible Study

  1. Hand members a pre-printed copy of Psalm 103. The verse numbers
    should be aligned against the left margin. Leave a space between
    verse 14 and verse 15. (A copy of this text is available in “Teaching
    Resource Items” for this study at http://www.baptistwaypress.org))
    Read aloud verses 1–2. Note that these verses suggest the psalm-
    ist David is telling himself to remember. He repeatedly commands
    his very soul (“O my soul”) to praise the Lord and to “forget not.”
    Then he begins, in verse 3, to list the benefits that God has given

  2. Supply members with pens or pencils. Invite members to respond
    silently to the printed version of verses 3–14 by underlining any
    phrases they have found to be especially true in their lives.

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