14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

Lesson 12: Thankfulness 139

After allowing time for ref lection, invite members, one by one,
to randomly read aloud one phrase of their choice as an act of wor-
ship. When giving instructions, suggest that this is more than an
activity; it is a time to praise God publically, using this sacred text.
Yes, the verses will be read out of order, but this may make each
verse stand out even more, serving as a testimony of thanksgiving.

  1. Using the commentary in the Teaching Guide and the Study Guide,
    call attention to the following ideas:

    • David contrasted the images of a rescue from a pit with a
      crown of love and compassion (v. 4). In other words, God is
      present in both the low times and the glorious ones.

    • God can satisfy us, just as a banquet would fill us (v. 5).

    • God is a righteous judge, a watchful shepherd, and a loving
      father (v. 6–14). Write these three descriptive phrases on the
      board, and ask, Which of these images of God most applies to
      your life?

  2. Ask someone to read aloud verses 15–18. Emphasize the contrast
    between the transience of humans and God’s everlasting love.

  3. Invite members to read aloud verses 19–22 together, as a chorus.
    Note the repetition in these verses of what was written earlier in
    Psalm 103.

  4. Ask someone to read aloud Luke 17:11–14. Using the commentary
    in the Teaching Guide and Study Guide, call attention to the fol-
    lowing ideas:

  • How the lepers were isolated from society according to the

  • How Jesus responded to their cries for help. What were his
    instructions to them?

  • Ask, At what point were they healed? (“As they went”: as they
    followed Jesus’ commands.)

  1. Invite the class to focus on the one leper who gave thanks. Say,
    What were his actions? In response to his gratitude, how was he
    rewarded by Jesus? Ask, Is it possible that Almighty God himself is
    grateful for the gratitude of mere humans?

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