14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

34 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

first point on the outline and read Psalm 51:1–2. Note the tone and
different expressions of David’s actions.

  1. Read Psalm 51:3–6 and refer to the second outline point. David
    does not hold back and offers no excuses for his behavior. He lays
    the blame squarely on his own shoulders. Ask, Based on these
    verses, what guarantees restoration and healing related to our con-
    fession of sin?

  2. Refer to the third outline point. Read Psalm 51:7–12. Share the
    information in the Study Guide about the hyssop plant. Ask
    members to highlight phrases in these verses that explain what a
    complete purification process looks like.

  3. Read Psalm 51:13–19 and refer to the final outline point. Remind
    members that confessing sin leads to a change in behavior and
    results in benefits to the disciple and to God’s work. Ask, What
    happens when we honestly confess and repent?

  4. Close the Bible study by reading 1 John 1:9 to present a clear state-
    ment of the purpose of confession. Use the information in the
    Study Guide to explain the process and the time frame. Make sure
    members leave with the understanding that John is talking about a
    d i sc iple’s fellowship with God (the quality of the relationship) and
    not his relationship with God (conversion). Explain that this is one
    of the reasons confession should be a regular part of a person’s
    spiritual disciplines.

Encourage Application

  1. Ask, Based on today’s Scripture, how should the habit of confession
    play out in the life of a disciple? Allow several members to respond.
    Challenge the class to continue considering the necessity and bene-
    fit of including confession as a regular habit in their personal times
    with God. Close with prayer.

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