14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

38 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

Paul challenged Peter’s behavior when he declared we are “not justi-
fied by observing the law.” He quickly added the positive, “but by faith
in Jesus Christ”. Paul insisted no one would or could ever be justified
(to be made right with holy God in every way) by observing ritualis-
tic religious rules or by their own merits. Paul’s commitment was more
than theological or philosophical. He declared he had placed his own
personal faith in Christ in order to be completely and eternally justified
through his faith alone, not by observing the law as a means of salvation
(Roman 8:1–4). Only then are we free to live in a right relationship with
one another (Galatians 5:13–14).

2:17. Paul’s detractors argued that if we are justified by faith alone, then
why should anyone attempt to live a holy life? Paul denied that Christ
“promotes sin” and pointed out the law had served its purpose by reveal-
ing the need for salvation. The doctrine of salvation by faith alone puts
both Jew and Gentile on the same level before God. “For all have sinned
and fall short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23).

2:18. Adding human effort only rebuilds what we had previously torn
down when we came to Christ by faith instead of by works (Galatians
3:1–3). Vacillating between observing the law as a means of salvation,
and faith alone as the path to salvation; only proves how hopelessly lost
human kind has become. We are “lawbreakers” in need of the salvation
that can only come through simple faith in Christ.

2:19. The law could only bring death (spiritual darkness and condemna-
tion), as it had no power to save. In fact, Paul declared the law itself was
instrumental in his spiritual death. How shocking it must have been for
Paul, who as Saul had been a hero of law-keeping Judaism, to first come
to this conclusion. The law could never bring eternal salvation, but by
simple faith in Christ anyone could be justified before God. One path
brings life, the other brings death. As life and death are not compatible,
so too are faith and law. We cannot have both as a means of salvation,
for one eliminates the other.

2:20 –21. In the original language of the Bible, verse twenty begins,
“With Christ I have been crucified.” These words were personal and
powerful to Paul. The work of faith destroyed the old way of life for Paul

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