14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

64 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

Instruct them to make a list of the grace gifts that Paul lists in these
verses. Direct the other group to read Romans 12:9–13 and to list
ways that believers are to interact with each other.
Give the groups 2–3 minutes to complete their assignments.
Call for reports from each group. Discuss how unity in the body of
Christ (amidst a diversity of grace gifts) and love-motivated behav-
ior towards others, promote a healthy spirit of fellowship among

Encourage Application

  1. Tell the following story of fellowship in action. (A copy of this
    story is available in “Teaching Resource Items” for this study at
    A pastor challenged his members to join him on a Saturday
    morning for a service project. The task was to build a wheel-
    chair ramp for a house in their neighborhood. Six members
    of the church met him on Saturday and spent the morning
    building the ramp. Although they were acquainted with one
    another from attending worship together, they had never
    spent significant time in conversation. After the work proj-
    ect was completed, the group began looking for other ways
    they could serve their community. They began to meet reg-
    ularly on Saturdays and helped a number of families who
    would not otherwise have received assistance.
    Ask, What about this experience demonstrates authentic
    Christian fellowship? Discuss the groups’ answers. Ask, What will
    you do this week to better experience the full benefits and responsi-
    bilities of Christian fellowship? Close with prayer.

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