66 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples
connotation. Explain that the other two things on the list—“the
breaking of bread” and “prayer” were shared activities that served
to strengthen the bond among believers and enhanced the spirit
of “fellowship” among them. Refer to the sidebar “Koinonia” in
the Study Guide and explain the meaning of this Greek word for
“ fel lowship.”
- Direct attention to verses 43–47. Ask, How might you explain the
reason for the actions of the believers as described in these verses?
Ask, How are these four activities from the early church carried out
in our church today? - Call on a class member to read Romans 12:3–8 aloud. Ask, What
illustration did Paul use in these verses to describe the diversity of the
church? Ask, What particular point was Paul making in verses 4 and
5? (The body of Christ is both diverse and unified). Explain that
this (the body analogy) was one of Paul’s favorite ways of describ-
ing the church and its working toward a common outcome while
utilizing a variety of people in various roles. - As you read aloud verses 9–13, instruct members to listen for the list
of activities that Paul expects from a properly functioning church.
Ask members to list the actions Paul describes and write them on a
marker board. Discuss how relationships within the church would
be affected if all members carried out the actions Paul mentioned.
Ask, How might our church be different if these actions described
how our members treated one another?
Encourage Application
- Discuss the questions listed in the Study Guide.
- Ask members to suggest activities that might enhance the fel-
lowship within your church. Encourage them to move toward
things that require members to become involved with one another
in actions that further the kingdom of God and care for others.
Decide together on one action your class will take outside of class
time to strengthen the fellowship within your class. Close with a
prayer of commitment.