Lesson 6: Love 73
Teaching Plan—Varied Learning Activities
Connect with Life
- On a marker board write—What is your favorite love song? Ask
class members to respond to the question by stating the song’s title
and saying or singing a line from their favorite tune. Ask, What
memories do these songs bring to mind?
Comment that the world’s understanding of love has been pow-
erfully impacted by music as well as movies and television. Ask,
What misconceptions about love have been generated by these types
of media? Explain that today’s lesson will examine some of what the
Bible teaches about the true meaning of love. Say, Love is the foun-
dation for all of the spiritual disciplines. Highly effective disciples
love others because of God’s example and his command.
Guide Bible Study
- Before class, enlist a member to read Proverbs 17:17. Call on the
person to read the verse aloud to the class. Instruct members to
form pairs and to share with each other about their best friend from
high school. Guide them to describe a time when they received spe-
cial assistance or encouragement from their friend.
Point out that the end of the proverb says “... and a brother is
born for adversity.” Explore what distinction, if any, the writer is
making between a friend and a brothe r. Discuss how families are
expected to care for one another in difficult circumstances. - Read aloud John 15:12–14. Ask, What was new about Jesus’ instruc-
tions found in John 15:12? Discuss answers. (He had provided the
example his disciples were to follow.) Refer to the sidebar “Agape”
in the Study Guide for more information on this Christlike love.
Suggest that John may have been remembering this conversation
with Jesus as he wrote 1 John 4.