74 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples
- Comment that the Apostle John is often referred to as “the Apostle
of Love.” Explain that the focal passage from 1 John 4 is one of
the passages that demonstrate John’s continuing emphasis on
love. Instruct the class to read 1 John 4:7–12 silently, counting the
number of times John uses the word love or some form of it. When
they have finished, ask for a count. (The number may vary slightly
because members may be using different Bible translations. The
niv and esv use love in some form thirteen times.)
Allow members to share their thoughts on why John used the
word love so many times in just a few sentences. Point out how
many times the word love is linked with God. - Read 1 John 4:8 aloud. Point out the phrase “God is love” at the end
of the verse. Ask, What does John mean here? If “God is love”, does
that mean “ love is God?” Use content from the section “Love from
God” found in the Study Guide to supplement this discussion. - Call for a volunteer to quote John 3:16. After the member quotes
the verse, ask another member to read aloud 1 John 4:9. When both
verses have been shared, lead the class to discover the similarities
and differences between the verses. List these on a marker board. Be
certain that members notice that love originates with God, and that
his love is always accompanied by actions that benefit his followers. - Instruct members to read 1 John 4:13–21 while looking for the
impact God’s love has on his people. Ask, How are the lives of
believers in God changed because they have experienced God’s love?
What evidences reveal whether God’s love is active in a person’s life?
Allow a few minutes for members to read, ref lect, and respond
to the questions. When most have completed the reading, guide the
class in a discussion of what they have gleaned from the Scripture.
Be sure to note the role that love has in driving fear from the lives
of believers. Utilize the Bible comments in this Teaching Guide to
undergird this discussion.
Encourage Application
- Divide the class into three groups and assign each group one of the
following questions to discuss:- Why is it sometimes hard to show love to others?