Lesson 6: Love 75
- Is it easier to show love when a fellow believer is experiencing
success or failure? Why? - What are some signs that love is genuine? How can those
characteristics be developed in your life?
- Read aloud 1 John 4:21. Encourage group members to ref lect on
how effectively they have demonstrated God’s love in their lives by
their love for others. Suggest they make a list of persons to whom
they will demonstrate love in the coming week as an expression
of obedience to the command of God in this verse. Provide each
member a copy of the handout “Demonstrations of Love.” (A copy
of this handout is available in “Teaching Resource Items” for this
study at http://www.baptistwaypress.org)) Close with a time of prayer.
Teaching Plan—Lecture and Questions
Connect with Life
- Distribute index cards and pens to the class. Instruct class mem-
bers to write their definition of love on a card. Ask members to read
their definition to the class. Comment on similarities and differ-
ences found in the definitions.
Explain that today’s Bible study will address the definition of
love from a biblical perspective. Say, As followers of Christ, we are
to love others because of God’s example and his command.
Guide Bible Study
- Direct class members to find Proverbs 17:17 in their Bible. Allow a
moment for the class to find and read the verse. Ask, How is love
described or defined in this verse? Help members recognize how
love is linked to both friends and family. Point out also that there
are no limits placed on when love can be demonstrated. “A friend
loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity.” Love does not
stop when circumstances become difficult, but rather is even more
important in such times. Ask class members to choose a partner
and to describe to each other a situation when they were shown love
in the midst of adversity.