Scientific American - USA (2022-02)

(Antfer) #1

44 Scientific American, February 2022

constantly in every species. But in two studies, Mueller
estimated that salamanders clear out their inserted trans­
posons several times more slowly than zebra fish or
humans. This pace shifts the balance toward transposons
accumulating rather than remaining constant, leaving
the salamander genomes increasingly bloated over time.
That extra DNA has profoundly altered salamanders’
bodies, brains and hearts. In species with the very largest
genomes, the anatomic distortions are obvious at a glance.

gigaNTic geNomes often turn salamanders into overgrown
babies. Of the 766 known species, more than 39 have lost
the ability to metamorphose from aquatic larvae into
landlubbing adults. (Another 39 metamorphose only
occasionally.) These species tend to have larger genomes
than others that do metamorphose. Like the Neuse River
waterdog, they spend their entire lives confined to water
with larval gills and weakling limbs.
Many of them are also missing toes because their
limbs never finish developing. The waterdog has only
four toes on its rear feet (most salamanders have five).
Species of amphiuma have three, two or even just one
toe per foot. And species in the siren family, which in ­
habit the southeastern U.S., have no rear legs at all.
Even land­dwelling salamanders with adult­looking
bodies often have babylike traits, such as unfused skull
bones or foot skeletons that haven’t hardened into bone.
A series of discoveries between 1988 and 1997 showed
that many of these species even have larvalike brains.
The revelations began when David Wake, a promi­
nent salamander biologist at the University of Califor­
nia, Berkeley, teamed up with Gerhard Roth, then a
Ph.D. student at the University of Bremen in Germany.
They decided to compare the brain structures of sev­
eral dozen species of frogs and land­dwelling pletho­
dontid salamanders.
Wake removed the critters’ brains and soaked them
in cedar wood oil, which turned them transparent for
viewing under a microscope. As he and Roth examined
the brains, they realized that most had simpler structures
than those of frogs, which are also amphibians and there­
fore close relatives. The salamander nerve cells looked
“embryonic,” according to Wake: larger, rounder and less
differentiated into specialized cell types.
This simplification was especially dramatic in the
visual system. The salamanders had no more than 75,000
neural fibers in their optic nerves (which carry signals
from the eyes to the brain); frogs had up to 470,000
fibers. In salamanders, far fewer of these nerve fibers
were coated with myelin sheaths, which allow signals to
reach the brain more quickly. And in the tectum, a brain
region that processes images from the optic nerve, the
neurons of salamanders were often strewn chaotically
about—a trait seen in embryonic or larval brains—
whereas in frogs, the neurons were nicely layered. Wake
and Roth went on to show that salamanders with larger
genomes generally have simpler visual systems.
In all of this, Roth was struck by one overarching pat­

tern: the features missing in salamander brains were
those that arise late in development. It seemed as if the
critters’ brains had run out of time to finish maturing.
This stipulation made a lot of sense because another sci­
entist had just demonstrated a link between salaman­
ders’ large genomes and their slow development.
Stanley Sessions, a former student of Wake’s (like sev­
eral of the experts in this story), was studying salaman­
ders’ special talent for regenerating severed limbs. Ses­
sions, now a professor emeritus at Hartwick College,
amputated the right rear legs from 27 species of pletho­
dontid salamanders and measured how quickly they
grew back. The animals’ genomes varied from 13 to 74
gigabases (four to 24 times the human genome). Sure
enough, Sessions found that animals with larger genomes
regenerated more slowly. Their immature cells took lon­
ger to differentiate into specialized tissues such as
muscle or bone.
The studies by Wake, Roth and Sessions also provided
a rationale for understanding why salamanders with some
of the largest genomes of all had lost toes, hind legs and
even their ability to undergo metamorphosis. Their hefty
genomes had slowed and truncated many aspects of
development. People assumed that this depressed devel­
opment stemmed from the simple fact that large genomes
take longer to copy, so cells divide more slowly. But in 2018
a new milestone in genomics provided a critical insight.
Researchers published the first complete salamander
ge nome, for the Mexican axolotl. This beast can grow al ­
most as long as a person’s forearm. It has pencil legs,
fluffy gills and other larval traits but has a genome of
“only” 32 gigabases, compared with the waterdog’s 118
gigabases. This study showed that the animal’s transpo­
sons aren’t just scattered among its genes; they are also
abundant within genes, in regions called introns.
This minor detail has enormous implications. When
a gene is turned on, its entire length of DNA, including
introns, must be copied into a chain of RNA. The introns
must then be clipped out before the RNA chain can be
used as a template to make proteins that will guide a cell’s
development. Axolotl introns are up to 13 times longer
than human introns, because they are crowded with
transposons. Therefore, the RNA chains take longer to
build. The instructions for how cells should specialize
take longer to exert their effects—so long, Sessions says,
that salamanders “never quite grow up.”
Slow development is only part of how giant genomes
distort bodies. Massive genomes have another major
impact. Scientists accidentally noticed it more than 150
years ago, but its importance is just now being recognized.

duriNg The early 1800 s a British army surgeon named
George Gulliver pursued a pet interest as he traveled the
world. At each destination he collected blood from local
species, viewed the samples under a microscope and
measured the red blood cells. He surveyed Mexican deer,
American crocodiles, Indian pythons, spiny dogfish, elec­
tric eels, armadillos and hundreds of other animals.
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