Maximum PC - USA (2022-01)

(Maropa) #1
15 Intel’s 12th gen chips have brought
DDR5 support, specifically what?
A] 1.1V modules up to 12 8GB with
72-bit data channels
B] 1.1V modules up to 25 6GB with
dual 40 -bit data channels
C] 1.1V modules up to 12 8GB with
dual 72 -bit data channels
D] 1.2V modules up up 25 6GB with
dual 40 -bit channels

16 Seagate has built a dual activator
hard drive which can rival some SSDs,
how fast do you reckon it is?
A] A sustained read/write of 524 MB/s
B] A sustained read/write of 58 4MB/s
C] A sustained read/write of 6 14MB/s
D] A sustained read/write of 64 4MB/s

17 Intel’s new CEO, Pat Gelsinger,
originally helped develop what iconic
piece of Intel hardware?
A] Intel’s 80486 processor
B] Intel’s 8051 microcontroller
C] The original Pentium
D] The 8-bit 8008

18 Which classic piece of
hardware was reborn this year,
with AMD-powered internals?
A] The Commodore 64
B] The Sega Master System
C] The Radio Shack TRS-80
D] The Atari VCS

19 Nvidia has coined yet another
acronym, CMP, what does it mean?
A] Constant Modulated Power
B] Cryptocurrency Mining Processor
C] Color Modulation Process
D] Cryptography Mining Protection

20 Which of these didn’t Intel
kill off this year?
A] Consumer Optane memory
B] The Itanium processor
C] The Performance Tuning
Protection Plan
D] The fiber optic department

21 Have a guess at the top three
tech companies in the world by
market capitalization?
A] Microsoft, Apple
and Meta (Facebook)
B] Apple, Amazon,
and Alphabet (Google)
C] Microsoft, Apple,
and Alphabet (Google)
D] Microsoft, Apple, and Tesla

22 What on a 7nm process
IC is actually 7nm?
A] The gate length
B] Half the gate pitch
C] The average track width
D] Nothing specifically

23 We do like USB ports, don’t we?
What’s the most you could have on
an Intel Z690 motherboard?
A] 10
B] 12
C] 14
D] 16, and that’s probably enough guys

24 Microsoft’s HoloLens found a big
new customer this year, who was it?
A] The US Army, which wants
headsets for the infantry
B] The US Air Force to use in
preliminary pilot training
C] The CIA for ‘unspecified’ reasons
D] The Federal Government to equip
employees working from home

25 This year, the world’s most
powerful computer title was
overthrown, by what?
A] A recently revealed Chinese
quantum computer called
Zuchongzhi 2. 1
B] Perlmutter, which uses Epyc CPUs,
and Ampere A 100 GPUs
C] Summit, an IBM machine with
Power9 CPUs, and Tesla V1 00 GPUs
D] Fugaku, a Japanese research
machine with 15 8,9 76
processors in all

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