Maximum PC - USA (2022-01)

(Maropa) #1
36 Which of these smart devices
can you currently buy?
A] A smart rolling pin with an
app to select dough thickness
B] A smart kettle, for remote boiling
using an app
C] A smart candlestick that texts you
when the candle burns too low
D] None of these are real, yet

37 How many fake accounts does
Facebook remove every quarter?
A] Quite a few, about 5 million
B] Lots, at least 50 million
C] It might be as high as 500 million
D] It can’t be over a billion, can it?

38 Big data means big data breaches,
how much did LinkedIn lose this year?
A] Only a few, it lost 10,0 00 data
records this year
B] A number of breaches totalling
about three million records
C] A massive attack this year stole
data from 92 percent of its users,
over 700 million records
D] LinkedIn has managed to remain
a reasonably secure service

39 Smart phones are important, and
addictive, how long does the average
American spend using them?
A] At least an hour a day, that’s
over a week per year
B] It’s probably nearer twice that
C] It is over three hours a day, nearly
two months out of your year
D] Oh, it’s much worse than that

40 Kids love TikTok, and it has made
its own star performers, how many
followers do the top six have?
A] Up to 10 million each
B] About 30 million each
C] At least 50 million each
D] Good grief, is it more than that?

41 Bitcoin mining continues to be
popular, but how much electricity
does the process consume?
A] Compared to the world’s total
electricity consumption it’s hardly
anything to worry about
B] It’s a factor, mining eats through
enough power to run a small city
C] The mining uses about 0.5 percent
of world power, that’s roughly
equal to a small country
D] It’s highly inefficient, and it is
currently using over 1 .3 percent
of all the world’s electricity

42 Which member of NATO did
Google threaten with, and then
briefly action, the withdrawal of its
services this year?
A] Bulgaria
B] Norway
C] Australia
D] Belgium

Soft Stuff cont’ Internet Inquisitions

33 What do the latest Microsoft
Windows updates insist you remove?
A] All versions of iTunes prior to 10. 7
B] Clippy, the Office assistant, if for
some reason you still have him
C] All versions of Netscape
D] All versions of Adobe Flash

34 So how do you think
Bing is doing these days?
A] Surprisingly well. In September, it
was the 1 1th most popular website
in the country, beating Twitter
B] Okay, it just makes the top 2 0,
roughly level with Twitch
C] Not terribly well, it’s barely in the
top 30 these days
D] Oh, it’s doing much worse than that

35 What’s the most popular
PC application, according to data
from Google Trends?
A] Currently, I think its Zoom Meetings
B] Something utilitarian I guess,
how about Microsoft Word?
C] Spreadshets are everywhere,
so make that Excel
D] Freemake Downloader is
extremely popular

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