discourse that was on the rise during the colonial period both among the
colonialists and the rising local elites. It may also be due to the internalizing
of positivist thinking in all scientific spheres as well as in the popular apologetic
stance of newly urbanized and recently modernized religious people. This
double resistance to the modern academic study of religions has slowed down
its emergence and growth in NAWA, albeit with often very different stories
depending on each country’s pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial history.
1 Useful volumes for considering the general topic of this chapter include Gibb
(ed.) 1954, Huff 1993/2003, Makdisi 1981, Kitagawa (ed.) 1992, Norris 1990,
Tibawi 1979, Vajda 1938, and Waadenburg 1966. For the situation in Turkey,
Adanali n.d. and Dobers et al. (eds) 1987 have also been consulted.
Adanali, Hadi n.d., ‘The Many Dimensions of Religious Instruction in Turkey’, online
at <www.iarf.net/REBooklet/Turkey.htm>.
Adang, Camilla 1996, Muslim Writers on Judaism and the Hebrew Bible: From Ibn
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Bonebakker, S. A. 1990, ‘Adaband the concept of belles-lettres’, in Ashtiany, Julia
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Brodeur, Patrice C. 1999, ‘From an Islamic heresiography to an Islamic history of
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Courtois, V., and Ishaque, M. (eds) 1951, Al-B¥rn¥: Commemoration Volume AH
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Dobers, Hubert, Erl, W., Khoury, A.T., and Fassi-Fihri, M. (eds) 1987, L’éducation
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Embree, Ainslie T. (ed.) 1988, Sources of Indian Tradition, 2nd edn, New York:
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Gibb, Hamilton A. R. (ed.) 1954– , The Encyclopaedia of Islam, rev. edn, 6 vols +
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Hodgson, Marshall 1974, The Venture of Islam, vol. 1, Chicago: University of
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