Disability Law Primer (PDF) - ARCH Disability Law Centre

(coco) #1

The basic principles that can help guide a lawyer when faced with making a
decision about a client’s capacity include:

  • There is a presumption that a client has capacity to instruct a lawyer;

  • The relationship between a lawyer and client does not change
    regardless of disability. The basic principles of agency and client
    autonomy apply whether or not a client has a disability.^26

Professor Archibald Kaiser identifies a number of possible objectives for an
advocate addressing issues affecting persons with disabilities. These are:
enhancing client autonomy, including freedom to make choices; assisting clients
in developing self-advocacy skills; assisting clients in leading lives which are as
independent as possible; contributing to the empowerment of clients in their
relationships, their communities and in their access to resources; promoting
respect for the rights, freedoms, dignity and worth of the person or group served
by the advocate; ensuring that the client’s legal and human rights are recognized
and protected; and facilitating access to justice; promoting the equality interests
of people with disabilities; assisting clients to receive health care, social services
and private insurance entitlements; assisting clients in gaining access to supports
and treatments which are the least onerous, least restrictive and least intrusive in
the circumstances; protecting clients from financial, physical, sexual and
emotional abuse, violence and exploitation; fighting the stereotypes, prejudices
and stigma that coincide with disability; addressing the negative impact of
poverty and promoting an adequate standard of living; promoting social inclusion
by trying to ensure access to the physical, social, economic and cultural

(^26) Phyllis Gordon, “Notes on Capacity to Instruct Counsel” in Disability Law Primer,(Toronto:
ARCH Disability Law Centre, 2003), online: ARCH Disability Law Centre

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