Disability Law Primer (PDF) - ARCH Disability Law Centre

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The Tribunal’s mandate is to resolve claims of discrimination and harassment that fall
within the jurisdiction of the Code, in a manner that is fair, just and expeditious.^30 The
Tribunal conducts hearings and mediates human rights applications.

B. Human Rights Legal Support Centre

The Human Rights Legal Support Centre (“Centre”) is an independent agency funded
by the Ontario Government to provide human rights legal services to individuals who
have experienced discrimination contrary to the Code.

The Centre provides a range of free legal services, including representation for
settlement negotiations, mediation, and hearings, as well as legal advice regarding filing
human rights applications. The Centre’s services are generally provided on a limited
retainer or stage-by-stage basis, depending on the needs of the applicant, merits of the
claim and complexity of the evidentiary and legal issues. Services are provided to
people throughout Ontario.^31

C. Ontario Human Rights Commission

Under the Code, the role of Ontario’s Human Rights Commission is to promote and
advance respect for human rights in Ontario, protect the public interest, and identify and
promote the elimination of discriminatory practices.^32 The Commission works on
effecting systemic change. It develops public policy on human rights, engages in public
education and research, and has the power to monitor and report on anything related to
the state of human rights in Ontario.

(^30) Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario, online: About HRTO
http://www.hrto.ca/hrto/index.php?q=en/node/1. 31
Human Rights Legal Support Centre, online: What Services Does the Centre Provide?
http://www.hrlsc.on.ca/en/ServiceStages.aspx. 32
Code, supra note 4 at s. 29.

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