The Foundations of Chemistry

(Marcin) #1
5-17 Electron Configurations 219

Row 3.The next element beyond neon is sodium. Here we begin to add electrons to the
third shell. Elements 11 through 18 occupy the third period in the periodic table.

Orbital Notation

3 s 3 p Simplified Notation

11 Na [Ne] __

h [Ne] 3s 1

12 Mg [Ne] __

hg [Ne] 3s 2

13 Al [Ne] __

hg h [Ne] 3s (^23) p 1
14 Si [Ne]

hg hh [Ne] 3s (^23) p 2
15 P [Ne]

hg hhh [Ne] 3s (^23) p 3
16 S[Ne]

hg hghh [Ne] 3s (^23) p 4
17 Cl [Ne]

hg hghg h [Ne] 3s (^23) p 5
18 Ar [Ne]

hg hghg __hg [Ne] 3s (^23) p 6
Although the third shell is not yet filled (the dorbitals are still empty), argon is a noble
gas. All noble gases except helium have ns^2 np^6 electron configurations (where nindicates
the largest occupied shell). The noble gases are quite unreactive.
Rows 4 and 5.It is an experimentally observed fact that an electron occupies the available
orbital that gives the atom the lowest total energy.It is observed that filling the 4sorbitals
before electrons enter the 3dorbitals usuallyleads to a lower total energy for the atom
than some other arrangements. We therefore fill the orbitals in this order (see Figure
5-28). According to the Aufbau order (recall Figures 5-28 and 5-29), 4sfills before 3d. In
general, the (n1)s orbital fills before the nd orbital.This is sometimes referred to as the
(n1) rule.
After the 3dsublevel is filled to its capacity of 10 electrons, the 4porbitals fill next,
taking us to the noble gas krypton. Then the 5sorbital, the five 4dorbitals, and the three
5 porbitals fill to take us to xenon, a noble gas.
Let us now examine the electronic structure of the 18 elements in the fourth period
in some detail. Some of these have electrons in dorbitals.
paramagnetic attraction per mole of substance can be measured by weighing the sample
before and after energizing the magnet. The paramagnetism per mole increases with
increasing number of unpaired electrons per formula unit. Many transition metals and ions
have one or more unpaired electrons and are paramagnetic.
The metals of the iron triad (Fe, Co, and Ni) are the only freeelements that exhibit
ferromagnetism.This property is much stronger than paramagnetism; it allows a substance
to become permanently magnetized when placed in a magnetic field. This happens as
randomly oriented electron spins align themselves with an applied field. To exhibit ferro-
magnetism, the atoms must be within the proper range of sizes so that unpaired electrons
on adjacent atoms can interact cooperatively with one another, but not to the extent that
they pair. Experimental evidence suggests that in ferromagnets, atoms cluster together into
domainsthat contain large numbers of atoms in fairly small volumes. The atoms within each
domain interact cooperatively with one another.
See the Saunders Interactive
General Chemistry CD-ROM,
Screen 8.3, Spinning Electrons and

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