The Foundations of Chemistry

(Marcin) #1
EXAMPLE 13-7 Nearest Neighbors
In the simple cubic form of manganese there are Mn atoms at the corners of a simple cubic
unit cell that is 6.30 Å on edge. (a) What is the shortest distance between centers of neigh-
boring Mn atoms? (b) How many nearest neighbors does each atom have?

520 CHAPTER 13: Liquids and Solids

Problem-Solving Tip:The Locations of the Nearest Neighbors
in Cubic Crystals

The distance from an atom to one of its nearest neighbors in any crystal structure depends
on the arrangement of atoms and on the size of the unit cell. For structures (such as
metals) that contain only one kind of atom, the nearest neighbors of each atom can be
visualized as follows. (Recall that for a cubic structure, the unit cell edge is a). In a simple
cubic structure, the nearest neighbors are along the cell edge (i). In a face-centered cubic
structure, the nearest neighbors are along the face diagonal (ii). In a body-centered cubic
structure, they are along the body diagonal (iii).

The relationships just described hold only for structures composed of a single kind of
atom. For other structures, the relationships are more complex.

edge, a

Cell edge = a
= 2 atom radii


edge, a

Face diagonal = √ 2 a
= 4 atom radii


edge, a

Body diagonal = √ 3 a
= 4 atom radii

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