Advanced Methods of Structural Analysis

(Jacob Rumans) #1
6.3 Maxwell–Mohr Method 167

with neutral axis). If the cross section is nonsymmetrical about its neutral axis, then
the term.t 1 Ct 2 /=2must be replaced byt 2 C..t 1 t 2 /=2/y,whereyis the distance
of the lower fiber tothe neutral axis.
The term.t 1 Ct 2 /=2means that a bar is subjected to uniform thermal effect; in
this case all fibers are expanded by the same values. The termjt 1 t 2 j=h 0 means
that a bar is subjected to nonuniform thermal effect; in this case a bar is subjected to
bending in such way that the fibers on the neutral line have no thermal elongation.
So, the first and second terms in (6.15) present displacements inkth direction due
to uniform and nonuniform change of temperature, respectively. Integrals


NNkdspresent the areas of bending moment and axial force diagram in unit
condition, which corresponds to required displacement.
The presentation of Maxwell–Mohr integral in formula (6.15) allows us to cal-
culate any displacement (linear, angular, mutual linear, mutual angular) caused by
uniform or nonuniform change of temperature. This formula does not take into ac-
count the influence of shear. The procedure of summation in formula (6.15)must
be carried over all members of the system. The signs at all terms in this formula
will be obtained as follows: if the displacements of the element induced by both the
change of temperature and by the unit load occur at the same direction, then the
corresponding term of the equation will be positive.
Procedure for analysis is as follows:

1.Construct the unit state. For this we should apply unit generalized forceX,which
corresponds to the required displacement
2.Construct the bending moment and axial force diagrams in the unit state
3.For each member of a structure to compute the term

Nkdx, which is the area
of axial force diagram in the unit state
4.For each member of a structure to compute the term

Mkdx, which is the area
of bending moment diagram in the unit state
5.Apply formula (6.15).

Example 6.9.Determine the vertical displacement of pointCat the free end of
thekneeframeshowninFig.6.13, when the indoor temperature rises by 20 ıCand
outdoor temperature remains constant. The height of the elementABandBCareb
andd, respectively.

Unit state for ΔC

X=1 X=1

MX=1 NX=1


Design diagram





+0° d




Fig. 6.13 Design diagram of the frame and unit state forC
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