186 6 Deflections of Elastic Structures
Fig. 6.24 Unitstate for
calculation of elastic load
at jointn n
dn– 1 dn
Fn–1 =1/dn–1 Fn–1 Fn Fn =1/dn
M=1 M=1
5.Construct the bending moment diagram for fictitious beam on the tensile fibers.
This diagram will present the precise displacements of all joints of the entire real
Example 6.17.Design diagram of the truss is presented in Fig.6.25a. The truss is
carrying two equal forcesP. The axial stiffness of the upper and lower chords is 2EA
and diagonal and vertical members have axial stiffnessEA. Compute displacements
of the joints of the lower chord.
Solution.Calculation of internal forces in all members of the truss due to applied
loadsPmay be performed by analytical method. Corresponding diagramNpof
internal forces is presented in Fig.6.25b.
Since it is required to find displacements ofthe joints of the lower chord, therefore
the elastic loads should be applied to the joints of the same chord.
Elastic loadW 1 This load is related to joint 1 and represents the mutual angle of
rotation of members 0-1 and 1-2. In order to find the elastic loadW 1 , we need to
apply two unit couples (consisting of forces1=dD1=4) to members 0-1 and 1-2
and compute the internal forces in all members of the truss induced by these four
forces. Corresponding distribution of internal forces is presented in diagramNN 1
Magnitude of elastic loadW 1 is obtained by “multiplication” of two axial force
diagramsNN 1 andNp
W 1 D
XNN 1 Npl
: (a)
The summation should be extended over all members of the truss. For members 0 a
anda 2 , internal forces in actual condition are equal5P =3and have opposite signs,
while in unit conditions are equal5=12for both members. Therefore summation
within these members equals to zero. Summation within members 0-1and 1-2 of the
truss leads to the following result
W 1 D
XNN 1 Npl
2 EA
4 2 D
: (b)
This procedure explains why the elastic load method is very effective. The four
forces present the self-equilibrated set offorces. Therefore the reactions of supports