8.3 Comparison of the Force and Displacement Methods 291
8.3 Comparison of the Force and Displacement Methods................
The force and displacement methods are theprincipal analytical methods in struc-
tural analysis. Both of these methods are widely used, not only for static analysis,
but also for stability and dynamical analysis. Below we will provide a comparison
pertinent to the two methods’ presentation in their canonical forms.
Both methods require construction of primary systems. Both methods require
construction of bending moment diagrams for unit exposures (forces or displace-
ments). In both methods, a difference between the primary system and the original
one is eliminated using the set of canonical equations.
Fundamental differences between these methods are presented in Table8.4.It
can be easily seen that these methods are duel, i.e., one column of the table can be
obtained from the other by linguistic restatement.
Ta b l e 8. 4 Fundamental differences between the force and displacement methods
Comparison criteria Force method Displacement method
Primary system
Obtained byeliminating
Obtained byintroducing
Usesforces(forces and moments),
whichsimulatethe actions of
Usesdisplacements(linear and
angular), whichneutralizethe
actions ofintroduced
Reactions of eliminated
constrains are PU
Displacements of induced
constraints are PU
Number of PU Equals the degree ofstatical
Equals the degree ofkinematical
Number of PS
and way of
obtaining PS
Nonunique.PScan be chosenso
that all redundant constraints
must be eliminated and
replaced by corresponding
reactions (forces and/or
Which redundant constraints
should be eliminated is a matter
of choice, but the obtained PS
should be statically determinate
Unique.PSmust be constructed
so that in every rigid joint an
additional constraint is
introduced to prevent angular
rotation; and for every
independent linear
displacement an additional
constraint is introduced to
prevent linear displacement
PS presents a set of standard
statically indeterminate beams
ı 11 X 1 Cı 12 X 2 CC1PD 0
ı 21 X 1 Cı 22 X 2 CC2PD 0
r 11 Z 1 Cr 12 Z 2 CCR1PD 0
r 21 Z 1 Cr 22 Z 2 CCR2PD 0
Number of canonical equations
equals the number of PU
Number of canonical equations
equals the number of PU