22 2 General Theory of Influence Lines
As above, the expression for bending moment is transformed to the equation of
influence line for bending moment
IL.Mk/DaIL.RA/: (2.7)
For construction of this influence line, we need to construct the influence line for
reactionRA, then multiply all ordinates by parametera, and finally, to show the
operating range of influence line. Since loadPis located to therightof sectionk,
we obtainright-hand portionof influence line as the operating range. Corresponding
influence lineMkis presented in Fig.2.4.
Since units of ordinates IL.RA/and IL.RB/are dimensionless, then units of
ordinates IL.Mk/are units of length (for example, meter). Ordinate of influence line
at sectionkis.ab= l /. Sign of influence line for bending momentMkfor simply
supported beam is positive, which means that extended fibers at sectionkare located
below longitudinal axis for any position of the loadP.
Henceforward, all mathematical treatment concerning to construction of influ-
ence lines will be presented in tabulated form. The above-mentioned discussions
are presented in the following table.
LoadPD 1 left at sectionk LoadPD 1 right at sectionk
MkrightD 0 , Mk!
To summarize, in order to construct the influence line for bending moment at section
kit is necessary to:
1.Plot ordinatesaandbon the left and right vertical lines passing through the
left-hand and right-hand support, respectively.
2.Join each of these points with base point at the other support; both lines intersect
at sectionk.
3.Show the operating ranges of influence line. The hatching (operating range) cor-
responds to thepositionof the load but not to thepartof the beam which is used
for computation of bending moment. Influence LineQk
Since the expression for shear depends on whether the loadPis located to the
left or to the right from the sectionk, then two positions of the loadPneed to be
considered. The procedure of construction of influence line for shear is presented in
tabulated form. In the table we show thepositionof the load (left or right at section
kâ this is the first line of the table) andpartof the beam, the equilibrium of which
is considered.