454 13 Stability of Elastic Systems
To determine the critical load by static or energy method, first of all, we need
to accept a generalized coordinate. Let an angular displacementof the supporting
plate being the generalized coordinate. This parameter describes completely a per-
turbed configuration of the structure. The structure in the strained state is shown by
dotted line.
Static method(Fig.13.3b). The moment that is produced in the support isMD
krot. The moment due to external loadNwith respect to support pointOisPf.
We assume that angular displacementis small, and thereforefDlsinl.
Equilibrium equation
M 0 D 0 leads to the stability equation
PfkrotDPlkrotD0: (13.3)
This equation is obtained on the basis of linearization procedure sin;there-
fore, the equilibrium equation (13.3) is called linearizedstability equation.
Equation (13.3) is satisfied at two special cases:
1.The angleD 0. It means that initial vertical form of the column remains vertical
for any forceP. This is a trivial solution, which corresponds to the initial form
of equilibrium.
2.The angle¤ 0. It means that the strained form of equilibrium is possible for
. This load is critical.
If the given structure is subjected to loadP<Pcr, then initial vertical position of
the column is the only equilibrium position; therefore, if the structure would be
disturbed, then it returns to its initial position. If the structure is subjected to load
PPcr, then additional equilibrium state is possible. Pay attention that the value
of the anglecannot be determined on the basis of linearized stability equation.
Energy method(Fig.13.3c). Since the vertical displacement of the point of ap-
plication of the forcePis
then the potential of external loadNis
This expression has negative sign since the work of the forcePshould be calculated
on the displacementfromfinal to initialstate. Since the rigidity of support iskrot,
then the strain energy of elastic support is
U 0 Dkrot