Akhenaten, 453
Anaximander, 10, 13, 144, 280
Anselm of Canterbury, 229
Aquinas, Th omas, 144, 253, 285, 286, 287
Aristotle, 144, 145, 146, 147, 406, 448
Assmann, Jan, 453
Athanasius of Alexandria, 285
Augustine of Hippo, 28, 281
Averroes, 144, 147
Barth, Karl, 281
Bellah, Robert, 447, 450
Bentham, Jeremy, 174
Bergson, Henri, 31, 160, 227, 280
Blondel, Maurice, 280
Buddha, 12, 45, 217, 245, 247. See also
Calvin, John, 52, 281
Carlyle, Th omas, 429
Comte, Auguste, 27, 28, 256
Confucius, 14, 94, 106, 110, 116– 117, 206, 217,
245, 250, 395. See also Confucianism
Democritus, 144
Descartes, René, 148– 149, 189
Dumézil, Georges, 454
Durkheim, Émile, 110
Eisenstadt, Shmuel, 447
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 24, 31, 286, 342
Feuerbach, Ludwig, 228, 262, 286
Galileo Galilei, 8, 9, 66, 139, 140, 152, 345
Girard, René, 19
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 405
Harnack, Adolph von, 145
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 162– 166,
219, 398, 450– 451. See also Hegelian heresy
Heidegger, Martin, 191, 213, 220, 221, 361– 363,
365, 381
Heraclitus, 144, 406
Hobbes, Th omas, 301
Hume, David, 117, 345, 404, 416
Jaspers, Karl, 38, 446, 448, 450
Jesus Christ, 262, 268, 279, 281, 287, 288– 289
Joas, Hans, 447, 450
Kant, Immanuel, 53, 83, 149– 150, 152– 153, 174,
253, 426
Keynes, John Maynard, 413
Kierkegaard, Søren, 145, 280, 281, 409
Lasaulx, Ernst von, 451
Lavoisier, Antoine, 225
Lawrence, D. H., 177
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, 62, 70, 71, 184
Levinas, Emmanuel, 280
Luther, Martin, 52, 258, 272, 281
Machiavelli, Niccolò, 301
Madison, James, 53, 334
Maimonides, 144
Mao Zedong, 319