
(やまだぃちぅ) #1
462 thematic index

Forbearance virtue of connection, 374, 387
Freedom, safeguards for, 305
Freedom- equality relationship, 314– 323
Free society: apostasy principle, 303– 310;
conception of a, 293– 300; deep freedom
principle, 314– 323; higher cooperation
principle, 297; plurality principle, 308– 314;
principles informing the or ga ni za tion of,
300– 303. See also Social framework,
revising the
God: embodied, 24, 135– 143, 209, 213– 216,
222– 224, 285– 287, 341– 344; existence of, 8;
a friend in charge of the universe, 10– 12;
and humanity, relationship with, 174– 175;
the impersonal, rejection of, 213– 216;
incoherence/unintelligibility of the idea
of, 227– 230, 264– 266, 268– 272; insatiable
longing for, 178, 181, 391; scandal of
particularity of, 226– 227, 264, 266– 268
Grace and nature divergent, 147– 148
Greek philosophy of being, 126, 143– 145, 208,
276, 279– 280, 344, 352, 452
Groundlessness: acknowledging, 393– 397;
confronting the terror of, 357– 358, 362;
defi ned, 178– 179; doctrine of two regimes,
158– 159; engagement and, 397; existential,
6– 7, 10– 16; insatiable desire and, 21; love
imagined as a release from, 178– 180, 181;
mortality’s relation to, 16; overcoming of
the world approach, 77, 88; philosophy as
denial of, 252; Prometheanism’s remedy
for, 33; redemption from, belief in, 12– 13;
responses to, theoretical defi ciencies,
12– 16; root experience of, 6; satisfaction
of desire as response to, 18; speculative,
6– 10, 14– 16
Halfway house between belief and disbelief,
123– 125, 261– 264
Hegelian heresy, 162– 166, 219, 304, 400, 410,
423, 433. See also Hegel, Georg Wilhelm
Hellenistic metaphysics of self- help, 94, 96
Higher cooperation principle. See
Higher religions: commonalities, 39– 42,
197– 198; success, formula for, 239, 245. See
also specifi c religions
Hinayana Buddhism, 236
Hinduism, 79, 102

Historian’s Approach to Religion, An
(Toynbee), 455
History, openness of, 130– 134, 201, 209
Humanity, romance of the ascent of, 27– 30
Humanization of the world: altruism ideal,
171– 172; anti- metaphysical metaphysic,
113, 117; cosmotheism, rejection of, 40– 41;
death, denial of, 395; ethic of roles, 103– 106;
the faithful, requirements of, 48; goal of,
119; innovation in, 453; meaninglessness,
approach to, 90– 92, 96– 98, 102– 103;
metaphysical vision, 90– 96; moral
psychology, failure of, 113– 117; mummifi -
cation re sis tance and, 419– 421; nihilism,
response to, 41– 42; promises of, 48;
revolution, realizing common goals of,
93– 94, 106– 113, 117– 120; self- others
relationships, 98– 106, 108– 109, 115– 116,
145; serenity and, 172; social reform
framework, 90– 96, 110– 113; transcendence-
immanence dialectic, 94– 96, 106– 110
Humans, ordinary: divinity of, 24, 135– 143,
213– 216, 222– 224, 285– 287, 341– 344;
empowerment of, 26– 27, 214, 224, 256,
293– 294, 307– 308, 314– 315, 440– 442;
prophetic powers recognized in, 241– 242.
See also Self, the
Hysteresis principle, 65
Idolatry, 158, 164, 166– 167
Imagination: distancing- transformation
pro cess, 83, 140– 141, 192, 337, 426;
education and the, 241, 347; of institutional
alternatives, 168, 311, 338; lack of, rescuing
mankind from, 456; the mind as, 109, 130,
140– 141, 295, 311, 336, 347– 348; mutilation,
response to, 403– 405; of otherness, 14– 15,
46, 87, 92– 93, 98– 99, 108, 110, 173, 372– 376,
393; of the possible, 133; power of, 109;
reshaping the cooperative regime,
335– 340
Imaginative insight, paradox of, 192
Immanence theology, 21– 23, 306– 307
Immortality, promise of, 28– 29, 31, 33
Impermanence thesis, 10, 13
Incarnation theology, 173– 174, 227, 272, 279,
285– 286, 288, 450– 451
Indian tribes of the Brazilian Amazon,
306– 308
Individuality, illusion of, 62– 71, 82, 88,
388– 390, 404
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