Graphic Design & Printing Technology

(singke) #1

Reference Book

proofs. Soft proofs reduce the use of paper in multiple rounds of checking
proofs. They eliminate the use of ink and creation of any VOC’s in the
production of printing proofs. There is no transportation invloved since soft
proofs are sent over the internet.
Use of renewable energy resources in printing:- Regular printing uses vast
amount of energy. In contrast eco-friendly printing mainly uses alternative
energy sources such as sun, wind, and water power. This is in comparison to
those energy sources which produce carbon dioxide emission that can easily
damage the environment.
Practical Activities

  1. Identify the different safety guards and safety button on the HMT offset
    printing machine in your lab.

  2. Identify the possible circumstances of fire in your printing lab and take
    appropriate measures to prevent it.
    Assessment Activities

  3. Assignment: Prepare a presentation on different classes of fire that is likely
    to occur in an offset press.

  4. Prepare a chart on different personal protective devices used in the print-
    ing industry.

  5. Collect samples of recycled paper.

  6. Prepare a chart showing various renewable energy resources in printing.
    TE Questions

  7. What are the five specified hazard areas in the printing industry?

  8. What are the major protective devices used by printers?

  9. What are the four general classes of fire and name the appropriate fire
    extinguishers for each class?

  10. What are the major safety measures to be taken while operating a cutting

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