Graphic Design & Printing Technology
Gathering:This is the next operation after folding. Gathering is the process of
assembling signatures by placing one next to the other. It is commonly used to
prepare books whose page thickness will be greater than one centimetre.
Collating: Examining the gathered sections
and rectifying any omissions, wrong placing
or duplication of sections is called collating.
Collating marks are marks made at the back
edge of the folded sections during the printing
process of the forum. Books with large
number of pages should have collating marks
in the continuous steps. If the collating marks
are in uneven step, it means the gathering of
sections are not correct.
Sewing and Stitching :The process of joining of all the gathered sections of
a book using a thin wire or thread is called sewing. The wire sewing is called
stitching and sewing with thread is called thread sewing.
Wire stitching
Wire stitching is done by two processes a) Saddle stitching and b) side stitching.
(a)A method in which metal wire is forced through the folded edges of a
signature and formed into staples to hold the pages together is called
saddle stitching.
(b)A form of stapling in which metal wire is forced through the sides of
the sheet and formed into staples to hold sheets together is called side
Thread sewing
Thread sewing is the process used to bind thin and thick books with thread.
All the sections of book are sewen with a thread using a long steel needle.
Linen thread is used for book sewing. The needle along with the thread is
inserted into all the sections one by one and the sections are joined together.
Overcast sewing, cord sewing (sawn-in-sewing), tape sewing (library sewing),
flexible sewing, and double flexible sewing are different types of thread sewing.
Overcast sewing : Generally old books are sewen by this process. Holes are
made on two or three places at the back edge of the book leaving about half to
one centimetre. Needle is inserted in all the holes along with the thread one by
one. The thread is tightened and a knot is made in the last.