Reference Book
The most basic guillotine cutters consist of the following parts:
Bed:-It is the flat, smooth and level surface
on which the paper pile sits on a cutting
machine. Modern automatic cutters are
equipped with air table with a number of
small holes through which air passes to help
the operator to slide the paper easily.
Side Guide:-It is a wall on the left side of
the bed aganist which the left side of the
paper pile is aligned.
Movable Back guide:- It is a guide on the cutting device used to hold a stack of
paper and to position it in the desired position on the bed.
Clamp:-It is a metal device that
moves downwards against the
paper pile to hold the paper pile
with force while it is being cut.
Knife:- It is a razor-sharp metal
cutting blade made of steel or
steel-carbage and is mounted to
a bar located near the front of
the machine just in front of the
Cutting Stick:- It is a plastic or wooden piece located directly below the cutting
blade beneath the table to protect the blade when it touches the table after
cutting the paper pile.
Three-Knife cutters
It is a paper cutting device with three blades; two parallel knives and a right
angled knife to trim the three sides of printed publications such as magazines.
All the three knives do not cut together. First the two parallel knives cut together
and then the right angled knife cuts individually. Three knife trimmers can be
stand-alone unit or part of collating, folding and binding system.
Folding operations
It is another method of finishing operation. Most printed materials require
some type of folding which is done on a folding machine. There are two basic
type of folds- Parallel fold and right angle fold. Parallel fold is made parallel
to the previous fold whereas a right angle fold is made at right angle to the