Graphic Design & Printing Technology

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Graphic Design & Printing Technology


In engineering drawing, different types of lines are used to describe different
objects. The following are some of the commonly used lines.

  1. Outline

They are drawn in the outer edge of an object.
This is a thick line drawn continuously without
any break. They are also called object lines.

  1. Dotted lines

This line is drawn to indicate certain inner or hidden edge surface of an object.
It is drawn with a break at regular intervals. The dotted line is drawn with 2
mm length at 1mm intervals.

  1. Centre line

This line indicates the centre point of circles and symmetric features. It is
drawn using long and short lines
respectively. The long line is six or
eight times longer than the smaller lines which are present in between the long

  1. Extension & Dimension line

Dimension line indicates the size of an object. The arrow
heads are drawn on either ends of this line. Gap at the
centre can be used to indicate the dimensional value.

  1. Section line or hatching line

This line is drawn to
indicate the cut section
of an object. These lines
are drawn at an angle of
400. The spacing between the lines is approximately one to 15mm. These lines
are drawn lighter than the object lines.

  1. Pointer line

A light bend line with an
arrow head pointing an
object is known as a
pointer line.

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