Graphic Design & Printing Technology

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Graphic Design & Printing Technology

Cancellation method

11  17 11  17

5  8

= 2 2 = 4

8  5

= 1 3 = 3

Divide the sheet size with the required card size in two possible ways. In the
first method, we get 4 cards in landscape position from a sheet. In the second
method, we get 3 cards if we cut the sheet in portrait style. We get more
number of cards if we cut the sheet as in the first method and the wastage is
less compared to the second method.

Paper Calculation

The quantity of paper required for any job can be calculated by using the
following formula:

Quantity of Paper Requied

In order to calculate the quantity of paper required for the production of a
complete job in a particular size. The following formula may be used.

Paper required in reams = No. of pages in a copy × No. of copies tSection × 500 o be printed

Where section = No. of pages obtained from one sheet of the required size of

For example : To find out the total quantity of paper required in 61 cm x 88 cm
size for the printing of 20,000 booklets in 210mm X 297mm size assuming
that each booklet contains 24 pages?

Since 16 pages of size 210 x 297 mm are obtained from one sheet of 61 cm x
88 cm size, the value of a section shall be 16.

Therefore paper required =

24 20000 60
16 500

 
 Reams without wastage

Storage of paper / Warehousing

Web offset roll storage:- Do not store rolls on sides. Largest diameter roll
should always be at bottom. Do not store rolls on bare floors, they could
become dirty or wet. Use scrap paper as dividers when stacking unwrapped

Use roll clamp truck and minimum pressure to lift rolls.

2 2 1 3

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