Reference Book
Alcohol dampening system:- Alcohol dampening system recirculate the
fountain solution there by making it possible to maintain pH consistancy in
the fountain solution. This system also assist the press operator in maintaining
proper fountain solution level in the fountain pan. The entire fountain system
generally runs more cleanly than a conventional dampening unit does.
Advantages of alcohol dampening
Using alcohol eliminates the problem of too warm a solution during hot weather.
Alcohol lowers the surface tension of water, allowing to be fed to the plate.
Use of alcohol causes faster evaporation of moisture from the offset plate and
ink rollers resulting in less ink emulsification and faster drying of printed sheets.
Roller and roller covers
The dampening covers are either solid metal, rubber or cloth-covered rubber.
Fountain roller are usually solid metal, while ductor and dampener form rollers
are usually cloth covered. The dampener form and ductor rollers are covered
with a cloth called Molleton cloth. Molleton covers are available ready cutting
tubular or wrap around strip form as well as in continuous tubular form.
Cover installation steps
1) Remove the old cover carefully so that rollers are not damaged
2) Clean the rollers with soap and water. Use solvents to remove ink built up.