V. The Model and Odds
Ratio for Several
Exposure Variables
(No Interaction Case)
q variables:E 1 ,E 2 ,...,Eq
(dichotomous, ordinal, or interval)
No interaction model:
logit PðÞ¼X aþb 1 E 1 þb 2 E 2
p 1
i¼ 1
q 6 ¼k1 in general
E¼(E 1 ,E 2 ,...,Eq)
E¼(E 1 ,E 2 ,...,Eq)
General formula:E 1 ,E 2 ,...,E 8
(no interaction)
E* 1 E** 1
b 1
þ E* 2 E** 2
b 2 þ
þ E*qE**q
We now consider the odds ratio formula when
there are several different exposure variables in
the model, rather than a single exposure vari-
able with several categories. The formula for
this situation is actually no different than for a
single nominal variable. The different exposure
variables may be denoted byE 1 ,E 2 , and so on
up throughEq. However, rather than being
dummy variables, theseEs can be any kind of
variable – dichotomous, ordinal, or interval.
For example,E 1 may be a (0, 1) variable for
smoking (SMK),E 2 may be an ordinal variable
for physical activity level (PAL), andE 3 may be
the interval variable systolic blood pressure
A no interaction model with several exposure
variables then takes the form logit P(X) equalsa
plusb 1 timesE 1 plusb 2 timesE 2 , and so on up
tobqtimesEqplus the usual set ofVterms. This
model form is the same as that for a single
nominal exposure variable, although this time
there areqEs of any type, whereas previously
we hadk1 dummy variables to indicatek
exposure categories. The corresponding model
involving the three exposure variables SMK,
PAL, and SBP is shown here.
As before, the general odds ratio formula for
several variables requires specifying the values
of the exposure variables for two different per-
sons or groups to be compared – denoted by the
boldE*andE**. CategoryE*is specified by the
variable valuesE 1 *,E 2 *, and so on up toEq*, and
categoryE**is specified by a different collec-
tion of valuesE 1 **,E 2 **, and so on up toEq**.
The general odds ratio formula for comparing
E* vs. E** is given by the formula ROR
equals e to the quantity (E 1
E 1 *) times
b 1 plus (E*E**) timesb 2 , and so on up to
(Eq*Eq**) timesbq.
logit PðÞ¼X aþb 1 SMKþb 2 PAL
þb 3 SBPþ~
p 1
i¼ 1
E 1 ¼SMK (0,1)
E 2 ¼PAL (ordinal)
E 3 ¼SBP (interval)
Presentation: V. The Model and Odds Ratio for Several Exposure Variables 85