Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

R-to-1 matching

unconditional is overestimate of
(correct) conditional estimate

IV. The Likelihood
Function and Its Use in
the ML Procedure

L¼L(u)¼likelihood function

u¼(y 1 ,y 2 ,...,yq)

E, V, Wmodel:

logit PðXÞ¼aþbEþ~

p 1

i¼ 1



p 2

j¼ 1


u¼ða;b;g 1 ;g 2 ;...;d 1 ;d 2 ;...Þ

If theonlyvariables being controlled are those
involved in the matching, then the estimate of
the odds ratio obtained by using unconditional
ML estimation, which we denote bydORU, is the
square of the estimate obtained by using con-
ditional ML estimation, which we denote by
dORC. Statisticians have shown that the correct
estimate of this OR is given by the conditional
method, whereas a biased estimate is given by
the unconditional method.

Thus, for example, if the conditional ML esti-
mate yields an estimated odds ratio of 3, then
the unconditional ML method will yield a very
large overestimate of 3 squared, or 9.

More generally, whenever matching is used,
evenR-to-1 matching, whereRis greater than 1,
the unconditional estimate of the odds ratio
that adjusts for covariables will give an overes-
timate, though not necessarily the square, of
the conditional estimate.

Having now distinguished between the two
alternative ML procedures, we are ready to
describe the ML procedure in more detail and
to give a brief overview of how statistical infer-
ences are made using ML techniques.

To describe the ML procedure, we introduce the
likelihood function,L. This is a function of the
unknown parameters in one’s model and, thus,
can alternatively be denoted asL(u), whereu
denotes the collection of unknown parameters
being estimated in the model. In matrix termi-
nology, the collectionuis referred to as avector;
its components are the individual parameters
being estimated in the model, denoted here as
y 1 ,y 2 ,upthroughyq, whereqis the number of
individual components.

For example, using theE, V, Wlogistic model
previously described and shown here again,
the unknown parameters area,b, thegis, and
thedjs. Thus, the vector of parametersuhasa,
b, thegis, and thedjs as its components.

EXAMPLE: (continued)
Assume only variables controlled are

biased correct

dORC¼ 3 )dORU¼ð 3 Þ^2 ¼ 9

Presentation: IV. The Likelihood Function and Its Use in the ML Procedure 111
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