Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

¼joint probability of observing
the data

ML method maximizes the like-
lihood functionL(u)

^u¼ð^y 1 ;^y 2 ;...;^yqÞ¼ML estimator

Thelikelihood function LorL(u)represents the
joint probability or likelihood of observing the
data that have been collected. The term “joint
probability” means a probability that com-
bines the contributions of all the subjects in
the study.

As a simple example, in a study involving 100
trials of a new drug, suppose the parameter of
interest is the probability of a successful trial,
which is denoted byp. Suppose also that, out of
thenequal to 100 trials studied, there arex
equal to 75 successful trials andnxequal
to 25 failures. The probability of observing 75
successes out of 100 trials is a joint probability
and can be described by the binomial distribu-
tion. That is, the model is a binomial-based
model, which is different from and much less
complex than the logistic model.

The binomial probability expression is shown
here. This is stated as the probability thatX, the
number of successes, equals 75 given that there
arenequal to 100 trials and that the probability
of success on a single trial isp. Note that the
vertical line within the probability expression
means “given”.

This probability is numerically equal to a con-
stantctimespto the 75th power times 1pto
the 10075 or 25th power. This expression is
the likelihood function for this example. It
gives the probability of observing the results
of the study as a function of the unknown para-
meters, in this case the single parameterp.

Once the likelihood function has been deter-
mined for a given set of study data,the method
of maximum likelihood chooses that estimator
of the set of unknown parametersuwhich max-
imizes the likelihood function L(u). The esti-
mator is denoted asu^and its components are
^y 1 ;^y 2 , and so on up through^yq.

In the binomial example described above, the
maximum likelihood solution gives that value
of the parameterpwhich maximizes the like-
lihood expressionctimespto the 75th power
times 1pto the 25th power. The estimated
parameter here is denoted asp^.

n¼100 trials
p¼probability of success
x¼75 successes
nx¼25 failures

Pr (75 successes out of 100 trials)
has binomial distribution

Pr (X¼75 |n¼100,p)

Pr (X¼75 |n¼100,p)
¼cp^75 (1p)^100 ^75

EXAMPLE (Binomial)
ML solution.
L(p)¼cp^75 (1p)^25

112 4. Maximum Likelihood Techniques: An Overview

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