Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1


l¼ 1

exp ~


i¼ 1




l¼ 1

exp ~


i¼ 1


Note:adrops out ofLC

Conditional algorithm:

 Does not estimatea(nuisance

Note:OR involves onlybs

Case-control study:
cannot estimatea

direct joint


does not require
estimating nuisance

many nuisance parameters

Stratified data, e.g., matching,

100 nuisance parameters

are not estimated
using LC

estimated using LU

When the logistic model formula involving the
parameters is substituted into the conditional
likelihood expression above, the resulting for-
mula shown here is obtained. This formula
is not the same as the unconditional for-
mula shown earlier. Moreover, in the condi-
tional formula, the intercept parameterahas
dropped out of the likelihood.

The removal of the interceptafrom the condi-
tional likelihood is important because it means
that when a conditional ML algorithm is used,
estimates are obtained only for thebicoeffi-
cients in the model and not fora. Because the
usual focus of a logistic regression analysis is
to estimate an odds ratio, which involves the
bs and nota, we usually do not care about
estimatingaand, therefore, considerato be a
nuisance parameter.

In particular, if the data come from a case-
control study, we cannot estimateabecause
we cannot estimate risk, and the conditional
likelihood function does not allow us to obtain
any such estimate.

Regarding likelihood functions, then, we have
shown that the unconditional and conditional
likelihood functions involve different formu-
lae. The unconditional formula has the theoret-
ical advantage in that it is developed directly
as a joint probability of the observed data.
The conditional formula has the advantage
that it does not require estimating nuisance
parameters likea.

If the data are stratified, as, for example, by
matching, it can be shown that there are as
many nuisance parameters as there are
matched strata. Thus, for example, if there
are 100 matched pairs, then 100 nuisance para-
meters do not have to be estimated when
using conditional estimation, whereas these
100 parameters would be unnecessarily esti-
mated when using unconditional estimation.

116 4. Maximum Likelihood Techniques: An Overview

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