Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
dcovð^y 1 ;^y 2 Þ¼r 12 s 1 s 2

Importance ofV^ð^uÞ:

Inferences require variances and

(3) Variable listing:
Variable ML Coefficient S.E.
Intercept ^a s^a
X 1 b^ 1 s^b 1

Xk b^k s^bK

III. Models for Inference-

Model 1: logitP 1 ðXÞ¼aþb 1 X 1 þb 2 X 2

Model 2: logitP 2 ðXÞ¼aþb 1 X 1 þb 2 X 2

þb 3 X 3

Model 3: logitP 3 ðXÞ¼aþb 1 X 1 þb 2 X 2

þb 3 X 3 þb 4 X 1 X 3
þb 5 X 2 X 3

L^ 1 ,L^ 2 ,L^ 3 areL^s for models 1–3

L^ 1 L^ 2 L^ 3

The reader may recall that the covariance
between two estimates is the correlation times
the standard errors of each estimate.

The variance–covariance matrix is important
because hypothesis testing and confidence inter-
val estimation require variances and sometimes
covariances for computation.

In addition to the maximized likelihood value
and the variance–covariance matrix, other
information is also provided as part of the out-
put. This typically includes, as shown here,a
listing of each variable followed by its ML esti-
mate and standard error. This information pro-
vides another way of carrying out hypothesis
testing and confidence interval estimation, as
we will describe shortly. Moreover, this listing
gives the primary information used for calcu-
lating odds ratio estimates and predicted risks.
The latter can only be done, however, provided
the study has a follow-up type of design.

To illustrate how statistical inferences are
made using the above information, we con-
sider the following three models, each written
in logit form. Model 1 involves two variablesX 1
andX 2. Model 2 contains these same two vari-
ables and a third variableX 3. Model 3 contains
the same threeX’s as in model 2 plus two addi-
tional variables, which are the product terms
X 1 X 3 andX 2 X 3.

LetL^ 1 ,L^ 2 , andL^ 3 denote the maximized likeli-
hood values based on fitting Models 1, 2, and 3,
respectively. Note that the fitting may be done
either by unconditional or conditional meth-
ods, depending on which method is more
appropriate for the model and data set being

Because the more parameters a model has, the
better it fits the data, it follows thatL^ 1 must be
less than or equal toL^ 2 , which, in turn, must be
less than or equal toL^ 3.

Presentation: III. Models for Inference-Making 133
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