Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Wald statistic (for largen):

sb^is approximatelyN(0, 1)


Z^2 is approximatelyw^2 with 1 df



Coefficient S.E.

sq P
X 1 b^ 1 s^b 1 w^2 P

Xj ^bj s^bj w^2 P

Xk b^k s^bk w^2 P

LRZWald^2 in large samples

LR 6 ¼ZWald^2 in small to moderate

LR preferred (statistical)

Wald convenient – fit only one

The Wald test statistic is computed by dividing
the estimated coefficient of interest by its stan-
dard error. This test statistic has approxi-
mately a normal (0, 1), orZ, distribution in
large samples. The square of thisZstatistic is
approximately a chi-square statistic with one
degree of freedom.

In carrying out the Wald test, the information
required is usually provided in the output,
which lists each variable in the model followed
by its ML coefficient and its standard error.
Several packages also compute the chisquare
statistic and aP-value.

When using the listed output, the user must
find the row corresponding to the variable of
interest and either compute the ratio of the
estimated coefficient divided by its standard
error or read off the chi-square statistic and
its correspondingP-value from the output.

The likelihood ratio statistic and its corre-
sponding squared Wald statistic give approxi-
mately the same value in very large samples; so
if one’s study is large enough, it will not matter
which statistic is used.

Nevertheless, in small to moderate samples,
the two statistics may give very different
results. Statisticians have shown that the likeli-
hood ratio statistic is better than the Wald sta-
tistic in such situations. So, when in doubt, it is
recommended that the likelihood ratio statistic
be used. However, the Wald statistic is some-
what convenient to use because only one
model, the full model, needs to be fit.

As an example of a Wald test, consider again
the comparison of Models 1 and 2 described
above. The Wald test for testing the null
hypothesis thatb 3 equals 0 is given by theZ
statistic equal tob^ 3 divided by the standard
error ofb^ 3. The computedZcan be compared
with percentage points from a standard normal

Model1: logitP 1 (X)¼aþb 1 X 1 þb 2 X 2
Model2: logitP 2 (X)¼aþb 1 X 1 þb 2 X 2
þb 3 X 3

H 0 : b 3 ¼ 0

b^ 3
s^b 3 is approximatelyN(0, 1)

Presentation: V. The Wald Test 139
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