Interaction: variance calculation
No interaction: variance directly
from printout
¼var ~b^iðÞX 1 iX 0 i
linear sum
^biare correlated for differenti
Must use var ^bi
and cov b^i;^bj
The difficult part in computing the confidence
interval for an odds ratio involving interaction
effects is the calculation for the estimated vari-
ance or corresponding square root, the stan-
dard error. When there isno interaction,so
that the parameter of interest is a single regres-
sion coefficient, this variance is obtained
directly from the variance–covariance output
or from the listing of estimated coefficients
and corresponding standard errors.
However, when the odds ratio involvesinterac-
tioneffects, the estimated variance considers a
linear sum of estimated regression coefficients.
The difficulty here is that, because the coeffi-
cients in the linear sum are estimated from the
same data set, these coefficients are correlated
with one another. Consequently, the calcula-
tion of the estimated variance must consider
both the variances and the covariances of the
estimated coefficients, which makes computa-
tions somewhat cumbersome.
Returning to the interaction example, recall
that the confidence interval formula is given
by exponentiating the quantityl^plus or minus
aZpercentage point times the square root of
the estimated variance ofl^, where^lis given by
^b 3 plus^b 4 timesX 1 plus^b 5 timesX 2.
It can be shown that the estimated variance of
this linear function is given by the formula
shown here.
The estimated variances and covariances in
this formula are obtained from the estimated
variance–covariance matrix provided by the
computer output. However, the calculation of
bothl^and the estimated variance ofl^requires
additional specification of values for the effect
modifiers in the model, which in this case are
X 1 andX 2.
EXAMPLE (model 3)
exp^lZ 1 a 2
wherel^¼^b 3 þ^b 4 X 1 þ^b 5 X 2
¼dvar^b 3
þðÞX 12 dvar^b 4
þðÞX 22 dvar^b 5
þ 2 X 1 dcov^b 3 ;^b 4
þ 2 X 2 dcov^b 3 ;^b 5
þ 2 X 1 X 2 dcov^b 4 ;^b 5
var(bi) and covb^i;^bj
obtained from
printout BUT must specifyX 1 andX 2
144 5. Statistical Inferences Using Maximum Likelihood Techniques