Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
(Note. In answering all of the above questions, make sure to
state your answers in terms of the coefficients and vari-
ables that you specified in your answers to Exercises 1
and 2).
Consider the following printout results that summarize the
computer output for two models based on follow-up study
data on 609 white males from Evans County, Georgia:


Variable Coefficient S.E. Chi sq P
Intercept 6.7747 1.1402 35.30 0.0000
CAT 0.5978 0.3520 2.88 0.0894
AGE 0.0322 0.0152 4.51 0.0337
CHL 0.0088 0.0033 7.19 0.0073
ECG 0.3695 0.2936 1.58 0.2082
SMK 0.8348 0.3052 7.48 0.0062
HPT 0.4392 0.2908 2.28 0.1310


Variable Coefficient S.E. Chi sq P
Intercept 3.9346 1.2503 9.90 0.0016
CAT 14.0809 3.1227 20.33 0.0000
AGE 0.0323 0.0162 3.96 0.0466
CHL 0.0045 0.00413 1.16 0.2821
ECG 0.3577 0.3263 1.20 0.2729
SMK 0.8069 0.3265 6.11 0.0134
HPT 0.6069 0.3025 4.03 0.0448
CC¼CATCHL 0.0683 0.0143 22.75 0.0000

In the above models, the variables are coded as follows:
CAT(1¼high, 0¼low), AGE(continuous), CHL(continu-
ous), ECG(1¼abnormal, 0¼normal), SMK(1¼ever,
0 ¼never), HPT(1¼hypertensive, 0¼normal). The out-
come variable is CHD status(1¼CHD, 0¼no CHD).

  1. For Model I, test the hypothesis for the effect of CAT
    on the development of CHD. State the null hypothesis
    in terms of an odds ratio parameter, give the formula
    for the test statistic, state the distribution of the test
    statistic under the null hypothesis, and, finally, carry
    out the test for a one-sided alternative hypothesis using
    the above printout for Model I. Is the test significant?

158 5. Statistical Inferences Using Maximum Likelihood Techniques

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