Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Answers to

  1. logit P(X)¼aþb 1 HTþb 2 HSþb 3 CTþb 4 AGE
    þb 5 SEX.

  2. logit P(X)¼aþb 1 HTþb 2 HSþb 3 CTþb 4 AGE
    þb 5 SEXþb 6 HTHSþb 7 HTCT
    þb 8 HTAGEþb 9 HTSEX
    þb 10 HSCTþb 11 HSAGE
    þb 12 HSSEXþb 13 CTAGE
    þb 14 CTSEXþb 15 AGESEX.

  3. H 0 :b 6 ¼b 7 ¼...¼b 15 ¼0, i.e., the coefficients of all
    product terms are zero.
    Likelihood ratio statistic: LR¼2lnL^ 1 (2lnL^ 2 ),
    whereL^ 1 is the maximized likelihood for the reduced
    model (i.e., Exercise 1 model) andL^ 2 is the maximized
    likelihood for the full model (i.e., Exercise 2 model).
    Distribution of LR statistic: chi square with 10 degrees
    of freedom.

  4. H 0 :b 1 ¼0, whereb 1 is the coefficient of HT in the no
    interaction model; alternatively, this null hypothesis
    can be stated asH 0 :OR¼1, where OR denotes the
    odds ratio for the effect of HT adjusted for the other
    four variables in the no interaction model.
    Likelihood ratio statistic: LR¼2lnL^ 0 (2lnL^ 1 ),
    whereL^ 0 is the maximized likelihood for the reduced
    model (i.e., Exercise 1 model less the HT term and its
    corresponding coefficient) andL^ 1 is the maximized
    likelihood for the full model (i.e., Exercise 1 model).
    Distribution of LR statistic: approximately chi square
    with one degree of freedom.

  5. The null hypothesis for the Wald test is the same as
    that given for the likelihood ratio test in Exercise 4.H 0 :
    b 1 ¼0 or, equivalently,H 0 :OR¼1, where OR denotes
    the odds ratio for the effect of HT adjusted for the
    other four variables in the no interaction model.
    Wald test statistic:Z=^b 1 =s^b 1 , whereb 1 is the coefficient
    of HT in the no interaction model.
    Distribution of Wald statistic: approximately normal
    (0, 1) underH 0 ; alternatively, the square of the Wald
    statistic, i.e.,Z^2 , is approximately chi square with one
    degree of freedom.

  6. The sample size for this study is 12,742, which is very
    large; consequently, the Wald and LR test statistics
    should be approximately the same.

  7. The odds ratio of interest is given by eb^1 , whereb 1 is
    the coefficient of HT in the no interaction model; a
    95% confidence interval for this odds ratio is given by
    the following formula:

expb^ 1  1 : 96

dvar^b 1


162 5. Statistical Inferences Using Maximum Likelihood Techniques

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