üSimplest choice forVs:
TheCs themselves (or a subset
SpecifyWs: (in model asEW):
RestrictWstobeVs themselves
or products of twoVs
(i.e., in model as E V and
Most situations:
SpecifyVs andWsasCsor
subset ofCs
Rationale forWs (common sense):
Product terms more compli-
cated thanEViVjare as follows:
Difficult to interpret
Typically cause collinearity
üSimplest choice: useEViterms
The simplest choice for theVs is theCs them-
selves. If the number ofCs is very large, it may
even be appropriate to consider a smaller sub-
set of theCs considered to be most relevant and
interpretable based on prior knowledge.
Once theVs are chosen, the next step is to
determine theWs. These are the effect modi-
fiers that go into the model as product terms
withE, that is, these variables are of the form
We recommend that the choice of Wsbe
restricted either to theVs themselves or to
product terms involving twoVs. Correspond-
ingly, the product terms in the model are
recommended to be of the formEtimesVand
EtimesVitimesVj, whereViandVjare two
For most situations, we recommend that both
theVs and theWs be theCs themselves, or even
a subset of theCs.
As an example, if theCs are AGE, RACE, and
SEX, then a simple choice would have theVs
be AGE, RACE, and SEX and theWs be a sub-
set of AGE, RACE, and SEX thought to be
biologically meaningful as effect modifiers.
Therationalefor our recommendation about
theWs is based on the following commonsense
Product terms more complicated than
EViVjare usuallydifficult to interpreteven if
found significant; in fact, even terms of the
formEViVjare often uninterpretable.
Product terms more complicated than
EViVjtypically will causecollinearity
problems; this is also likely forEViVjterms,
so the simplest way to reduce the potential
for multicollinearity is to useEViterms
C 1 ,C 2 ,C 3 ,¼AGE, RACE, SEX
V 1 ,V 2 ,V 3 ,¼AGE, RACE, SEX
Ws¼subset of AGE, RACE, SEX
174 6. Modeling Strategy Guidelines