Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
The lower order components ofEV 2 V 5 are the
variablesE,V 2 ,V 5 ,EV 2 ,EV 5 ,andV 2 V 5 .Because
of the hierarchy principle, if the termEV 2 V 5 is
retained, then each of the above component
terms cannot be eliminated from all further
models considered in the backward elimination
process. Note the initial model has to contain
each of these terms, includingV 2 V 5 ,toensure
that the model is hierarchically well formulated.

In general, the hierarchy principle states that if
a product variable is retained in the model,
then all lower order components of that vari-
able must be retained in the model.

As another example, if the variablesEV 2 and
EV 4 are to be retained in the model, then the
following lower order components must also
be retained in all further models considered:
E,V 2 , and V 4. Thus, we are not allowed to
consider droppingV 2 andV 4 as possible non-
confounders because these variables must stay
in the model regardless.

Therationale for the hierarchy principleis simi-
lar to the rationale for requiring that the model
be HWF. That is, tests about lower order com-
ponents of variables retained in the model can
give different conclusions depending on the
coding of the variables tested. Such tests
should be independent of the coding to be
valid. Therefore, no such tests are appropriate
for lower order components.

For example, if the termEV 2 V 5 is significant,
then a test for the significance ofEV 2 may give
different results depending on whetherE is
coded as (0, 1) or (1, 1).

EV 2 andEV 4 retained:
E, V 2 and V 4 also retained

cannot be considered as nonconfounders

Hierarchy Principle

If product variable retained, then
alllower order components must
be retained

Hiearchy principle rationale:

 Tests for lower order
components depend on coding
 Tests should be independent of
 Therefore, no tests allowed for
lower order components

SupposeEV 2 V 5 significant: then the
test forEV 2 depends on coding ofE,
e.g., (0, 1) or (1, 1)

186 6. Modeling Strategy Guidelines

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