Note that if a model is HWF, then tests for the
highest-order terms in the model are always
independent of the coding of the variables in
the model. However, tests for lower order com-
ponents of higher order terms are still depen-
dent on coding.
For example, if the highest-order terms in an
HWF model are of the formEViVj, then tests for
all such terms are not dependent on the coding
of any of the variables in the model. However,
tests for terms of the formEViorViare depen-
dent on the coding and, therefore, should not
be carried out as long as the corresponding
higher order terms remain in the model.
If the highest-order terms of a HWF model are
of the formEVi, then tests forEViterms are
independent of coding, but tests forViterms
are dependent on coding of theVs and should
not be carried out. Note that because theVs
are potential confounders, tests forVs are not
allowed anyhow.
Note also, regarding the hierarchy principle,
that any lower order component of a significant
higher order term must remain in the model or
else the model will no longer be HWF. Thus, to
ensure that our model is HWF as we proceed
through our strategy, we cannot eliminate
lower order components unless we have elimi-
nated corresponding higher order terms.
HWF:EViVjhighest-order terms
Then tests for
EViVjindependentof codingbut
tests for
EViorVjdependenton coding
HWF:EVihighest-order terms
Then tests for
EViindependentof codingbuttests
Vidependenton coding
HWF model:
Tests forhighest-orderterms
independentof coding
tests forlower orderterms
dependenton coding
Ensures that the model is HWF
e.g.,EViVjis significant
)retain lower order compo-
nents or else model is not
Presentation: IX. The Hierarchy Principle for Retaining Variables 187