Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
However, we have restricted theVs to theCs
themselves primarily because there are a mod-
erately large number ofCs being considered,
and any further addition ofVsislikelyto
make the model difficult to interpret as well
as difficult to fit because of likely collinearity

We next choose theWs, which are the variables
that go into the initial model as product terms
withE(CAT). TheseWs are the potential effect
modifiers to be considered. TheWs that we
choose are theCs themselves, which are also
theVs. That is,W 1 throughW 5 equals AGE,
CHL, SMK, ECG, and HPT, respectively.

We could have considered other choices for the
Ws. For instance, we could have added two-
way products of the formW 6 equals AGE
CHL. However, if we added such a term, we
would have to add a corresponding two-way
product term as aVvariable, that is,V 6 equals
AGECHL, to make our model hierarchically
well formulated. This is because AGECHL is
a lower order component of CATAGE
CHL, which isEW 6.

We could also have considered for our set ofWs
some subset of the fiveCs, rather than all five
Cs. For instance, we might have chosen theWs
to be AGE and ECG, so that the corresponding
product terms in the model are CATAGE and
CATECG only.

Nevertheless, we have chosen theWs to be all
fiveCs so as to consider the possibility of inter-
action from any of the fiveCs, yet to keep the
model relatively small to minimize potential
collinearity problems.

Thus, at the end of the variable specification
stage, we have chosen as our initial model, the
E, V, Wmodel shown here. This model is writ-
ten in logit form as logit P(X) equals a constant
term plus terms involving the main effects of
the five control variables plus terms involving
the interaction of each control variable with
the exposure variable CAT.

EXAMPLE (continued)

Restriction ofVstoCs because:
 Large number ofCs
 AdditionalVs difficult to interpret
 AdditionalVs may lead to

Choice ofWs:
(go into model asEW)
W 1 ¼AGE;W 2 ¼CHL;W 3 ¼SMK;
W 4 ¼ECG;W 5 ¼HPT

Other possibleWs:

(IfW 6 is in model, then
V 6 ¼AGECHL also in HWF model.)

Alternative choice ofWs:
Subset ofCs, e.g.,

AGE)CATAGE in model
ECG)CATECG in model

Rationale forWs¼Cs:
 Allow possible interaction
 Minimize collinearity


logit PðXÞ¼aþbCATþ~

i¼ 1



j¼ 1



Presentation: X. An Example 189
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