According to our strategy, it is necessary that
our initial model, or any subsequently deter-
mined reduced model, be hierarchically well
formulated. To check this, we assess whether
all lower order components of any variable in
the model are also in the model.
For example, the lower order components of a
product variable like CATAGE are CAT and
AGE, and both these terms are in the model as
main effects. If we identify the lower order
components of any other variable, we can see
that the model we are considering is truly hier-
archically well formulated.
Note that if we add to the above model the
three-way product term CATECGSMK,
the resulting model is not hierarchically well
formulated. This is because the term ECG
SMK has not been specified as one of theV
variables in the model.
At this point in our model strategy, we are ready
to consider simplifying our model by eliminat-
ing unnecessary interaction and/or confound-
ing terms. We do this using a hierarchical
backward elimination procedure, which consid-
ers eliminating the highest-order terms first,
then the next highest-order terms, and so on.
Because the highest-order terms in our initial
model are two-way products of the formEW,we
first consider eliminating some of these interac-
tion terms. We then consider eliminating theV
terms, which are the potential confounders.
Here, we summarize the results of the interac-
tion assessment and confounding assessment
stages and then return to provide more details
of this example in Chap. 7.
The results of the interaction stage allow us to
eliminate three interaction terms, leaving in
the model the two product terms CATCHL
Thus, at the end of interaction assessment, our
remaining model contains our exposure vari-
able CAT, the fiveVs namely, AGE, CHL, SMK,
ECG, and HPT plus two product terms CAT
EXAMPLE (continued)
HWF model?
i.e., given variable, are lower order
components in model?
CAT and AGE both in model as main
HWF model?YES
If CATECGSMK in model, then
notHWF model
ECGSMK not in model
Hierarchical backward elimination
First, eliminateEWterms
Then, eliminateVterms
Interaction assessment
confounding assessments (details in
Chap. 7)
Results of Interaction Stage:
are the only two interaction terms to
remain in the model
Model contains
190 6. Modeling Strategy Guidelines