Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
The computer results for this final model are
shown here. This includes the estimated regres-
sion coefficients, corresponding standard
errors, and Wald test information. The vari-
ables CATHPT and CATCHL are denoted
in the printout as CH and CC, respectively.

Also provided here is the formula for the esti-
mated adjusted odds ratio for the CAT, CHD
relationship. Using this formula, one can com-
pute point estimates of the odds ratio for differ-
ent specifications of the effect modifiers CHL and
HPT. Further details of these results, including
confidence intervals, will be provided in Chap. 7.

Three stages:
(1) Variable specification
(2) Interaction
(3) Confounding/precision

Initial model: HWF model

Hierarchical backward elimination
(test for interaction, but do not test
for confounding)

Hierarchy principle

significant product term
retain lower order components

As a summary of this presentation, we have
recommended a modeling strategy with three
stages: (1)variable specification, (2)interac-
tion assessment, and (3)confounding assess-
mentfollowed by consideration ofprecision.
The initial model has to behierarchically well
formulated(HWF). This means that the model
must contain all lower order components of
any term in the model.
Given an initial model, the recommended
strategy involves a hierarchical backward
elimination procedurefor removing variables.
In carrying out this strategy, statistical testing
is allowed for interaction terms, but not for
confounding terms.
When assessing interaction terms, thehierar-
chy principleneeds to be applied for any prod-
uct term found significant. This principle
requires all lower order components of signif-
icant product terms to remain in all further
models considered.

EXAMPLE (continued)
Variable Coefficient S.E. Chi sq P
Intercept 4.0497 1.2550 10.41 0.0013
CAT12.6894 3.1047 16.71 0.0000
AGE 0.0350 0.0161 4.69 0.0303
CHL0.00545 0.0042 1.70 0.1923
ECG 0.3671 0.3278 1.25 0.2627
SMK 0.7732 0.3273 5.58 0.0181
HPT 1.0466 0.3316 9.96 0.0016
CH 2.3318 0.7427 9.86 0.0017
CC 0.0692 0.3316 23.20 0.0000
RORd ¼expð 12 : 6894
þ 0 : 0692 CHL 2 : 3881 HPTÞ

Details in Chap. 7.


192 6. Modeling Strategy Guidelines

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