Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

Answers to Practice Exercises

Practice Exercises

  1. TheVvariables should include theCvariables HS, CT,
    AGE, and SEX and any functions of these variables
    that have some justification based on previous
    research or theory about risk factors for surgical
    wound infection. The simplest choice is to choose the
    Vs to be theCs themselves, so that at least every
    variable already identified as a risk factor is controlled
    in the simplest way possible.

  2. TheWvariables should include some subset of theVs,
    or possibly all theVs, plus those functions of theVs
    that have some support from prior research or theory
    about effect modifiers in studies of surgical wound
    infection. Also, consideration should be given, when
    choosing theWs, of possible statistical problems, e.g.,
    collinearity, that may arise if the size of the model
    becomes quite large and the variables chosen are
    higher order product terms. Such statistical problems
    may be avoided if theWs chosen do not involve very
    high-order product terms and if the number ofWs
    chosen is small. A safe choice is to choose theWstobe
    theVs themselves or a subset of theVs.

  3. logit P(X)¼aþbHTþg 1 HSþg 2 CTþg 3 AGE
    þg 4 SEXþd 1 HTHSþd 2 HTCT
    þd 3 HTAGEþd 4 HTSEX.
    This model is HWF because given any interaction
    term in the model, both of its components are also in
    the model (as main effects).

  4. If HTAGESEX is added to the model, the new
    model willnotbe hierarchically well formulated
    because the lower order component AGESEX is not
    contained in the original nor new model.

  5. A test for HTAGESEX in the above model is
    dependent on coding in the sense that different test
    results (e.g., rejection vs. nonrejection of the null
    hypothesis) may be obtained depending on whether
    HT is coded as (0, 1) or (1, 1) or some other coding.
    Such a test should not be carried out because any test
    of interest should be independent of coding, reflecting
    whatever the real effect of the variable is.

  6. A test for HTAGE in the model of Exercise 3 is
    independent of coding because the model is
    hierarchically well formulated and the HTAGE
    term is a variable of highest order in the model. (Tests
    for lower order terms like HT or HS are dependent on
    the coding even though the model in Exercise 3 is
    hierarchically well formulated.)

  7. A test for the variable AGE is inappropriate because
    there is a higher order term, HTAGE, in the model,
    so that a test for AGE is dependent on the coding of the

Answers to Practice Exercises 201
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