Chunk test
Not significant
Eliminate all
terms in chunk
Use BWE to eliminate terms
from chunk
Retain some
terms in chunk
Even if chunk test n.s.:
Perform BWE
May find highly signif. product
If so, retain such terms
For example, if there are a total of threeEViVj
terms in the initial model, namely, EV 1 V 2 ,
EV 1 V 3 , andEV 2 V 3 , then the null hypothesis
for this chunk test is that the coefficients of
these variables, sayd 1 ,d 2 , andd 3 are all equal
to zero. The test procedure is a likelihood ratio
(LR) test involving a chi-square statistic with
three degrees of freedom, which compares the
full model containing allVi,ViVj,EVi, andEViVj
terms with a reduced model containing onlyVi,
ViVj, andEViterms, with E in both models.
If the chunk testis not significant, then the
investigator may decide to eliminate from the
model all terms tested in the chunk, for exam-
ple, allEViVjterms. If the chunk testis signifi-
cant, then this means that some, but not
necessarily all terms in the chunk, are signifi-
cant and must be retained in the model.
To determine which terms are to be retained,
the investigator may carry out a backward
elimination (BWE) algorithm to eliminate
insignificant variables from the model one at
a time. Depending on the preferencen of the
investigator, such a BWE procedure may be
carried out without even doing the chunk test
or regardless of the results of the chunk test.
Alternatively, BWE may still be considered
even if the chunk test is nonsignificant. It is
possible that one or more product terms are
highly significant during BWE, and, if so,
should be retained.
As an example of such a backward algorithm,
suppose we again consider a hierarchically
well-formulated model that contains the two
EViVjtermsEV 1 V 2 andEV 1 V 3 in addition to
the lower order componentsV 1 ,V 2 ,V 3 ,V 1 V 2 ,
V 1 V 3 , andEV 1 ,EV 2 ,EV 3.
EV 1 V 2 ,EV 1 V 3 ,EV 2 V 3 in model
chunk test forH 0 :d 1 ¼d 2 ¼d 3 ¼ 0
use LR statisticw^23 comparing
full model: allVi,ViVj,EVj,EViVj,E
with reduced model:Vi,ViVj,EVj,E
HWF model:
EV 1 V 2 , EV 1 V 3 ,
V 1 ,V 2 ,V 3 ,V 1 V 2 ,V 1 V 3 ,
EV 1 ,EV 2 ,EV 3
208 7. Modeling Strategy for Assessing Interaction and Confounding