Using the BWE approach, the least significant
EViVjterm, sayEV 1 V 3 , is eliminated from the
model first, provided it is nonsignificant, as
shown on the left-hand side of the flow. If it is
significant, as shown on the right-hand side of
the flow, then bothEV 1 V 3 and EV 1 V 2 must
remain in the model, as do all lower order
components, and the modeling process is
Suppose that theEV 1 V 3 term is not significant.
Then, this term is dropped from the model. A
reduced model containing the remaining
EV 1 V 2 term and all lower order components
from the initial model are then fitted. The
EV 1 V 2 term is then dropped if nonsignificant
but is retained if significant.
Suppose theEV 1 V 2 term is found significant,
so that as a result of backward elimination, it is
the only three-factor product term retained.
Then the above reduced model is our current
model, from which we now work to consider
Because our reduced model contains the sig-
nificant termEV 1 V 2 , we must require (using
the hierarchy principle) that the lower order
componentsE,V 1 ,V 2 ,EV 1 ,EV 2 , andV 1 V 2 are
retained in all further models considered.
The next step is to assess the remainingEVi
terms. In this example, there is only oneEVi
term eligible to be removed, namely EV 3 ,
becauseEV 1 andEV 2 are retained from the
hierarchy principle.
EXAMPLE (continued)
BWE approach:
Suppose EV 1 V 3 least significant
eliminate EV 1 V 3
from model
retain EV 1 V 3 and
EV 1 V 2 in model
SupposeEV 1 V 3 not significant:
then dropEV 1 V 3 from model.
Reduced model:
EV 1 V 2
V 1 ,V 2 ,V 3 ,V 1 V 2 ,V 1 V 3
EV 1 ,EV 2 ,EV 3
EV 1 V 2 dropped if non-signif.
SupposeEV 1 V 2 significant:
thenEV 1 V 2 retained and above
reduced model is current model
Next: eliminateEVterms
From hierarchy principle:
E,V 1 ,V 2 ,EV 1 ,EV 2 , andV 1 V 2
retainedin all further models
Assess otherEViterms:
onlyEV 3 eligible for removal
Presentation: II. Interaction Assessment Stage 209