Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1
Most situations
useonly EVi
product terms
interaction assessment
less complicated
do not needViVjterms
for HWF model:

To evaluate whetherEV 3 is significant, we can
perform a likelihood ratio (LR) chi-square test
with one degree of freedom. For this test, the
two models being compared are the full model
consisting ofEV 1 V 2 , all threeEViterms and all
Viterms, including those of the formViVj, and
the reduced model that omits theEV 3 term
being tested. Alternatively, a Wald test can be
performed using theZstatistic equal to the
coefficient of theEV 3 term divided by its stan-
dard error.

Suppose that both the above likelihood ratio
and Wald tests are nonsignificant. Then we
can drop the variableEV 3 from the model.

Thus, at the end of the interaction assessment
stage for this example, the following terms
remain in the model:EV 1 V 2 ,EV 1 ,EV 2 ,V 1 ,V 2 ,
V 3 ,V 1 V 2 , andV 1 V 3.

All of theVterms, includingV 1 V 2 andV 1 V 3 ,
in the initial model are still in the model at
this point. This is because we have been asses-
sing interaction only, whereas theV 1 V 2 and
V 1 V 3 terms concern confounding. Note that
although theViVjterms are products, they are
potential confounders in this model because
they do not involve the exposure variableE.

Before discussing confounding, we point out
that for most situations, the highest-order
interaction terms to be considered are two-fac-
tor product terms of the formEVi. In this case,
interaction assessment begins with such two-
factor terms and is often much less compli-
cated to assess than when there are terms of
the formEViVj.

In particular, when only two-factor interaction
terms are allowed in the model, then it isnot
necessary to have two-factor confounding
terms of the formViVjin order for the model
to be hierarchically well formulated. This
makes the assessment of confounding a less
complicated task than when three-factor inter-
actions are allowed.

EXAMPLE (continued)
LR statisticw^21
Full model: EV 1 V 2 , EV 1 , EV 2 , EV 3 ,
V 1 , V 2 , V 3 , V 1 V 2 , V 1 V 3

Reduced model:EV 1 V 2 ,EV 1 ,EV 2 ,
V 1 ,V 2 ,V 3 ,V 1 V 2 ,V 1 V 3

Wald test:Z¼

^dEV 3
S^dEV 3

Suppose both LR and Wald tests are
then dropEV 3 from model

Interaction stage results:
EV 1 V 2 ;EV 1 ;EV 2
V 1 ;V 2 ;V 3
V 1 V 2 ;V 1 V 3


AllVi(andViVj) remain in model after
interaction assessment

210 7. Modeling Strategy for Assessing Interaction and Confounding

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