Logistic Regression: A Self-learning Text, Third Edition (Statistics in the Health Sciences)

(vip2019) #1

III. Confounding and
Precision Assessment
When No Interaction


No statistical testing
(validity issue)

Confounding before precision
Gives correct Gives narrow
answer confidence

No interaction model:

logit PðXÞ¼aþbEþ~giVi

(no terms of formEW)


No Straightforward
Yes Difficult

The final stage of our strategy concerns the
assessment of confounding followed by consid-
eration of precision. We have previously
pointed out that this stage, in contrast to the
interaction assessment stage, is carried out
without the use of statistical testing. This is
because confounding is a validity issue and,
consequently, does not concern random error
issues that characterize statistical testing.

We have also pointed out that controlling for
confounding takes precedence over achieving
precision because the primary goal of the anal-
ysis is to obtain the correct estimate rather
than a narrow confidence interval around the
wrong estimate.

In this section, we focus on the assessment of
confounding when the model contains no
interaction terms. The model in this case con-
tains onlyEandVterms but does not contain
product terms of the formEtimesW.

The assessment of confounding is relatively
straight-forward when no interaction terms
are present in one’s model. In contrast, as we
shall describe in the next section, it becomes
difficult to assess confounding when interac-
tion is present.

In considering the no interaction situation, we
first consider an example involving a logistic
model with a dichotomousEvariable and five
Vvariables, namely,V 1 throughV 5.

For this model, the estimated odds ratio that
describes the exposure–disease relationship is
given by the expression e to the^b, whereb^is the
estimated coefficient of theEvariable. Because
the model contains no interaction terms, this
odds ratio estimate is a single number that
represents an adjusted estimate that controls
for all fiveVvariables.

Initial model
logit PðXÞ¼aþbEþg 1 V 1 þþg 5 V 5


(a single number)
adjusts forV 1 ,...,V 5

Presentation: III. Confounding and Precision Assessment When No Interaction 211
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